Montemaggiore Belsito

The first traces of human settlements in Montemaggiore Belsito territory date back to before the 12th century, with the presence of a house, or rather a small Byzantine rural settlement, later conquered by the Saracens. Starting from the second half of the 13th century, Montemaggiore, like many other villages, was populated by Madonie farmer moving away from the more mountainous areas. From 1410 there were reports of a Benedictine monastery founded by the Ventimiglia family, in the time when the estate belonged to Ricchiardello Filangeri, acquired in exchange of the Sperlinga castle. In the second half of 1600, Montemaggiore boasted the presence of a monastery, a Benedictine convent, at least three churches and about 1260 inhabitants. The term Belsito was added to the name Montemaggiore only after the unification of Italy.

Adjacent municipalities
Alia, Aliminusa, Caccamo, Sclafani Bagni


POI (Points of Interest)

  • Unione Europea
  • Repubblica Italiana
  • Regione Sicilia
  • Po Fesr
  • Madonie