Vista panoramica del Polje della Battaglietta

Vista panoramica del Polje della Battaglietta

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Vista panoramica del Polje della Battaglietta

Going back, you can see the Battaglietta Polje; this is a large karst depression stretching along an ENE - WSW direction and bounded by the carbonatic steep slopes of Pizzo della Principessa, Monte Spina Puci and Monte Ferro. The floor of the Battaglietta Polje consists of soil and clays referred to as Numidian Flysch. In the polje there are also some small dolines and sinkholes representing preferential points through which the waters disappear underground.

Landscapes and Geology
Recommended seasons
Autumn | Spring | Summer

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  • Unione Europea
  • Repubblica Italiana
  • Regione Sicilia
  • Po Fesr
  • Madonie