Formazioni Geologiche

Formazioni Geologiche

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Formazioni Geologiche

The area of Cozzo Morto and the immediate vicinity results particularly interesting in regard to the environmental didactics especially for the geo- logical aspects. Actually we can identify ill-assorted rocks with regard to geological age and type. These rocks belong to the evaporitic cycle with the predominance of the base limestone which has the typical whitish grey colour with yellow streaks.
Upon these rest the fanglomerates sediments made-up of rounded stones of fluvial origin.
Upon the Fanglomerates rest in "disconformity " the "Trubi", lime- stones-marls belonging to the globigerina species (foraminifers species) of the typical milk-white colour.
Raising one's gaze towards the highest peaks, in north direction, we can recognise for their peculiar tobacco colour the quartzarenites deposites of the Numidian Flysch Upper-Oligocene to Lower-Miocene of Madonna dell'Alto and San Salvatore.
They are neatly separeted in the Cozzo Morto area by a fault going from the east to the west. This area attracts the visitor also for its morphological aspect. It has a wonderful panoramic view that is also shrouded in a aura of mysticism due to the findings of a series of sunken tombs, which even today are still object of studies.

Landscapes and Geology
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Autumn | Spring | Summer

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