Distretto Turistico

Landscapes and Geology

Great landscapes and geological particularities in all seasons: take the time to enjoy, observe, hear and smell this unique area.

Ci sono 14 righe di poi, con resto di 1.
Avanzano 6 righe e mi servono in totale 1.75 pagine. resto pagine = 6

Found 53 Points of interest (Use search filters)

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Park “Riserva naturale orientata Bosco di Favara e Bosco Granza”

The “Bosco di Favara e Bosco Granza” protected area covers an agricultural land belonging to Aliminusa, Cerda, Montemaggiore Belsito and Sclafani Bagni municipalities. Flora The area is dominated by cork oaks, flowering ashes and holm oaks. The shrubs in the undergrowth are the species typically spread in Sicilian woods, such as blackthorn, hawthorn, crab apple, […]

Park “Riserva Naturale Orientata del Monte San Calogero”

The St. Calogero Mountain Range is a massif consisting of limestone, dolomite and siliceous layers, and Numidian Flysch sediments. The ridges fractures which have formed over centuries created a landscape contrast between the rugged and wild peaks walls and the gentle valleys foothills. The limestrone rocks erosion and the runoff phenomena led to deep gorges […]

  • Unione Europea
  • Repubblica Italiana
  • Regione Sicilia
  • Po Fesr
  • Madonie