565 – Sentiero Case la Pazza – Piano Pomo – Piano Sempria

565 - Sentiero Case la Pazza - Piano Pomo - Piano Sempria

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565 - Sentiero Case la Pazza - Piano Pomo - Piano Sempria

The theme that could be associated with this trail certainly is the "màrcati" theme ("marcati" are ancient Sicilian shepherd's houses or stables), because of their large presence along the entire route. One of these "màrcati" is Case La Pazza, the first stage of this long and rich trail, the place where shepherds with their animals pass the hot season, and still today produce the Madonie typical Provola and the salted ricotta called "basiliscu".

A little further down, just before the vallone Faguara ford, we find the second view point consisting of grey surfacing dolomitic breccias from Late Triassic (around 220 milion years ago), interspersed with different coloured shale and marl, ranging from grey to yellow passing through the blue. The attentive observer, equipped with a magnifying glass, will surely notice the bivalves fossils, embedded in the limestone matrix. This ancient rock formation, is opposed to the hilly downstream terrain with its sweet relaxing morphology, of a much more recent origin (20 million years ago) and belonging to the Oligo-Miocene Numidicus clay flysch.

Passing on the left side of Vallone Fagura (having had the opportunity to hear riparian birds harmonious sound, with the water flowing sound in the background and cooled by salacious and poplars shade), after a small climb, we reach the "Balzo Canna" pass.
From here you can climb to the top of "Pizzo Cane" (1,428 mt) to admire the magnificent landscape on which it overlooks. It must be noted, however, that the "Pizzo Cane" area (see the planimetry) has been inserted in the "Golden Eagle" project, being one nesting sites for this majestic bird; For this reason, the visitor have to make the necessary changes to his hiking route to remain outside the maximum protection perimeter and outside the trail 565 (Pizzo Canna base) stretch which also is a protected area; in fact in this area it is forbidden (in the period from 1 February to July 30) hiking and / other activities which, as has been established, are responsible for eagles unsuccessful reproduction.

Carefully crossing the steep and rocky ditch that leads to Contrada Frattasella, we reach the homonym water source for a brief and refreshing break while you can watch the other two "marcati" one seasonal and the other sedentary, located a little further downstream in Gudieri locality. From this point on, the path, "guarded" by countless monumental holly specimens, survivors of the lush forest that once covered the entire area, becomes easier, thanks both for its bottom and for the flat surface, and it leads to another view point overlooking Vicaretto and Gimmeti beautiful holm woods. The site also has a shed for bird watching lovers. In addition, a nearby large pear tree further enhances the atmosphere.

After a few hundred meters more we reach Portella Gangitani, from where you can make a several kilometers detour to visit another "màrcato", called "Raimondo" and, above, the "Pozzo Minnonica", a dangerous and fascinating karst pit of about 57 meters depth. The next stop is at ''Acqua du Piraniu" where you can quench your thirst and admire a beautiful maple specimen of exceptional size; a little further downstream, you can visit two other "màrcati" (Piano di Ferro) and another beautiful watering place, with a large land used as vegetable garden, all witnesses of a bygone era when man always lived in contact with mountains and guarded them.

Resuming the march, after about 6 km from the starting point, we have arrived at the end of our trail that leads to Piano Pomo. Here, in a few thousand square meters, it is concentrated a large number of very considerable size "Ilex aquifolium" specimens, that form a dense population that only few sun rays could penetrate. While elsewhere the hollies form bushes or small trees submissive to the beech or oak size, here they form a pure population, with specimens that can reach heights of over fifteen meters and whose trunks, growing near each other they reach remarkable diameters and they assume the most different shapes that can be interpreted like we do with clouds at sunset. Particular emphasis is placed, however, on the access prohibition inside the "Giants Hollies" repopulation area, in consideration of the plant health products used, which put the visitors' health at risk, as stated on the Regional State Forests Agency note n. 9615 of 12/07/2010 and on the Madonie Park CTS opinion of 19/10/2010.

Gained back your strength, with a deep sense of satisfaction as a reward for the efforts made so far, you can get back on track toward Piano Sempria, where you can have your picnic lunch and enjoy the services of Crispi shelter owned by the C.A.S.
Immediately after you can descend toward the Carbonai trail.

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Trail lenght: 6 Km and 434 meters
Journey time: 4 Hours
Return Journey time: 3 Hours
Trailhead elevation: 1264 m/slm
End of the trail elevation: 1250 m/slm
Recommended seasons: Autumn | Spring | Summer
Difficulty: E

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  • Unione Europea
  • Repubblica Italiana
  • Regione Sicilia
  • Po Fesr
  • Madonie